The domain name of the unreachable website
E.g.: If a webpage on the uri address is not reponding, please enter as the domain name.
4 seconds ago
7 seconds ago
18 seconds ago
38 seconds ago
53 seconds ago
A short list of the latest sites tested
This online website checker tool was used to test these sites (listed on the right) just moments ago. If you can see a red website down message next to the domain name that is unreachable for you, then other users are experiencing the same problem as well.
Clear your browser's cache: if your browser can not load a page, first clear the browser's cache and reload the page directly from the server (ctrl+f5).
Disable security software: failed page loads can be caused by anti-virus and firewall software as well. Disable them to make sure they don't block pages.
There are other browsers: try browsing with opera, firefox or chrome. You could also check the page from another computer and network.
Restart computer: remember that sometimes the most obvious solution is the best solution. Simply restart your computer and see what happens.
Some useful advice and good practices
We all know how frustrating a website not loading problem can be. We have listed several common possible causes for the server not found, problem loading page and could not find error messages. For more detailed answer, please try Q&A sites or forums.